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Monday, July 28, 2014

Blog exercise 1

1. In 50 words or less, using a distinctive genre (eg fairy tale; comedy; science fiction; melodrama; poem) narrate the story of your story.

Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved to read and write. The young girl grew up into a young women and she began writing books for all of the towns people. Her stories of princes and princess's made the towns people happy and they all loved her and her stories very much. The end.

2. Write the opening paragraph of a story that begins with the words "what if".

What if I was the winner of Masterchef 2014? Would I be happier? Of course I would be! You see, thats my dream really. I mean I know that I am here at University studying the arts, hoping that my grades will be enough to get me into a masters degree. But honestly, I don't want to be a Master Teacher! I want to be a Master Chef. It was that epiphany that started the ball rolling…….to be continued!

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